
AffilBox Pro

AffilBox Pro

78 USD/ month

939 USD / year
(1136 USD included VAT)
  • We don't take commissions

  • Your partners

  • 1 e-shop / service *

  • Unlimited partners

  • Commission by product category

  • Linking without parameter

  • Coupon Tracking

  • Automatic language by location

  • Bonus commission adjustments

  • Load line limit **

  • Always updated features

Order AffilBox Pro

AffilBox Network


78 USD/ month

939 USD / year + 1 %
(1136 USD included VAT)
  • 1 % of the programme revenue

  • Your partners and our DATABASE +619 partners

  • Unlimited campaigns

  • Unlimited partners

  • All features as PRO

  • Custom extensions

  • Always updated features

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Compare features

AffilBox Pro

AffilBox Pro



Number of ad campaigns 1 in the base* Unlimited
Number of affiliates Unlimited Unlimited
Number of advertising items Unlimited Unlimited
Approving conversions Manually / Automatic Manually / Automatic
Load line Up to 100,000 events per month ** Unlimited
Conversion measurement Ano Ano
Measurement of clicks Ano Ano
Sales commission Ano Ano
Commission per visit Ano Ano
Subaffiliate commissions Ano Ano
Deeplinks Ano Ano
Promotional channels for partners Ano Ano
Basic statistics Ano Ano
Advanced reporting Ano Ano
API Ano Ano
Custom domains Ano Ano
CMS Ano Ano
Change the design of application Ano Ano
2FA login Ano Ano
SSL certificate Ano Ano
Integration to e-shop solutions Ano Ano
Integration to e-mailing solutions Ano Ano
Basic bonuses
Model terms and conditions Ano Ano
Basic promo on Ano Ano
Development of new features Ano Ano
Advanced features
Multiple languages Ano Ano
Multiple currencies Ano Ano
Different amount of commission according to turnover Ano Ano
Automatic language detection Ano Ano
Linking without a parameter in the URL Ano Ano
Advanced bonuses for partners Ano Ano
More channels for partners Ano Ano
Different amount of commission according to product category Ano Ano
Overview of sold products Ano Ano
Trackable coupons for influencer management Ano Ano
Offline coupons Ano Ano
Postback tracking Ano Ano
Premium bonuses
Blog post about affiliate program on Ano Ano
Premium position on Ano Ano
General information
Support Po-Pá 9-15h Po-Pá 9-15h
Price 939 USD / year
(1 136 USD included VAT)
Contact Support

Price list for additional services

Additional campaign above the PRO version 70 USD / year
(84 USD included VAT)
Restoring a license from a backup 47 USD / one time
(57 USD included VAT)
One-off consultations 47 USD / hour
(57 USD included VAT)
Prepare of affiliate program 230 USD / one time
(280 USD included VAT)
Audit of the affiliate program 230 USD / one time
(280 USD included VAT)
** Increase in load line limit $5 / 10,000 events / month (excluding VAT)

What do our customers say about us?

We have been using AffilBox for most of our e-shops since 2017, when we migrated from another technical solution. We like that we have multiple languages/countries in one administration, which is also clear and easy to use. Great support is already a given with AffilBox.

Martin Netolický
Martin NetolickýAffiliate manager,
We have been using Affilbox for over 5 years to manage our affiliate marketing and all our affiliates. In all this time we have not had a single problem. Everything is simple and clear including detailed statistics and billing to affiliates.
Martin Mates
Martin MatesCo-owner,
Thanks to AffilBox, we have built a wide base of partners who bring in hundreds of new leads every day. I appreciate its simple and intuitive operation for us and our partners. Their customer and technical support is second to none. We have yet to have an “issue” not resolved very quickly. And it’s great that AffilBox has taken a new breath and with new management comes a lot of new things.
Dušan Souček
Dušan SoučekAffiliate manager,
For anyone who is serious about affil, I recommend having your own platform. Affilbox has been that for me since 2014. Affiliates know it, it easily talks to your eshop via API. It’s quick to start and very cheap to run. Thanks to Affilbox, I can focus on what is important in traffic marketing – partner acquisition and support.
Zdeněk Dvořák
Zdeněk Dvořák Affiliate manager,

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