
We have a detailed and specific list of news, features and enhancements related to our SAAS application

Individual records have dates, so you can see how we worked on functions for our clients in individual periods.


    • 2. 11. Tax documents and advance invoices have been added to the Invoicing section for direct download.
    • 1. 11. Added the ability to pay by Google Pay, GoPay account, Bitcoin or mPayment for licenses.
    • 1. 11. Changed the billing tool that affects the operation of internal license billing.
    • 30. 9. Updated the Commission Categories plugin – external xml feed processing has been replaced by an internal parser for faster speed and scalability.
    • 28. 9. Added alphabetical sorting of categories to campaign catalog filtering.
    • 2. 9. Added a daily routine within to update aggregated data on the main page.
    • 8. 9. Added a new message to the Billing section to inform affiliates about waiting for billing documents (if the advertiser has set up manual approval of documents).
    • 2. 8. The entire AffilBox web interface was translated into Polish.
    • 25. 8. Adding the language change also to the registration page of affiliate programs (PRO).
    • 25. 8. New location of the language selection on the login page.
    • 24. 8. Added status icons regarding locked/terminated affiliate program to the PartnerBox web interface.
    • 2. 8. Added notification in PartnerBox regarding terminated affiliate program.
    • 2. 8. Added notification on locked affiliate instance to PartnerBox.
    • 18. 8. Added complete translation of the application into Spanish.
    • 12. 8. Added complete Italian translation to AffilBox – registration, login, administration, …
    • 1. 8. Added country dropdown to the registration form – will be used in future filtering within the User List.
    • 5. 8. Added condition that shows ARES data importer only in case of selected country Czech Republic.
    • 4. 8. Successful trademark registration for AffilBox (application number 570238, registration number 386883).
    • 23. 7. Program administrators/managers can insert third-party measurement/support scripts into their program through our support – Google Analytics, Smartsupp, SupportBox, …
    • 15. 7. In the registration form of partners added the ability to download data about the subject from ARES – through the ID number.
    • 13. 7. In the Invoicing for advertisers added the ability to download data about the subject (from the Czech ARES) through 1 entering the ID number.
    • 12. 7. Notification Center added to PartnerBox.
    • 1. 7. For new clients added Wizzard / Wizard for initial setup of the whole application and advertising campaigns.
    • 9. 6. Simplified initial Global setup of the new AffilBox license.
    • 8. 6. Updated styling affecting Gravatar profile photo of individual users/admins.
    • 7. 6. Added a message informing about the need to read the full terms and conditions in the affiliate registration form – if using the so-called internal “inline” terms.
    • 4. 6. Simplified the overview of active campaigns for partners in case they have only 1 campaign available for promotion.
    • 2. 6. Added information about brief statistics of the requesting partner (clicks, conversions, overview for the last 30 days and for the whole period) in Registered sites.
    • 2. 6. Added information to Registered Sites about the affiliate ID of the partner who added their site for approval.
    • 1. 6. Updated the Main Domain management icon sets within the Global Application Settings.
    • 18. 5. Added the ability to change the suffix (ending/variable) of affiliate links from Global Settings – ? or #.
    • 10. 5. Moved Advertiser Billing settings to a separate tab in the Global License Settings.
    • 30. 4. Added a batch of new features to confirmation message about adding a campaign, full-text search in headlines and descriptions, added categories to the search.
    • 26. 4. For Czech campaigns (global language Czech), which have not yet had terms and conditions for partners, added a text template (to be updated and saved) directly into the terms and conditions editor itself. The template is still available for additional download in .doc.
    • 26. 4. Added a full-fledged editor (same as in CMS, Wall, …) to the Terms and Conditions tab.
    • 26. 4. Discontinuation of the Terms and Conditions plugin – its functionality moved to the Terms and Conditions settings.
    • 26. 4. Moved the Terms and Conditions settings for partners to a separate tab within Application Settings.
    • 26. 4. Added a batch of new features to the PartnerBox: Campaign Tip and Campaign Listing Sorting.
    • 12 Apr. Launched the first beta version of the REST API.
    • 10. 4. Partners and admins can hide/show bulletin board stats within User Settings.
    • 26. 3. In the case of manual conversion insertion with a coupon, a link to traceable coupons is added (a warning message will prevent the coupon from being assigned to another user).
    • 26. 3. Added ability to add advertising coupon and channel in case of manual conversion insertion.
    • 22. 3. Simplified interface text for inserting Business Partner Terms and Conditions.
    • 22. 3. Added an area message on the dashboard for advertisers who have not inserted Business Partner Terms.
    • 20. 3. Linking the AffilBox partner interface (from the sidebar) with a prolink to
    • 18. 3. Campaigns available only to selected partners are now not displayed on the All Campaigns dashboard.
    • 3. 3. Official launch of the web application – introduced in a separate article.
    • 1. 3. Completed connector between AffilBox and Google Data Studio for better program analytics.
    • 25. 2. Simplified logging in with 2FA by providing a direct option to enter a code in the login box.
    • 23. 2. Started beta testing of partner interface on
    • 7. 2. Added support for multi-currency email conversion reports (sent in the currency of the partner and not the global currency).
    • 1. 2. Added new email templates for administrators (New Registration, Forgot Password, SMTP Test).

A bridge has been added to on January 30th, which automatically updates information about campaigns from AB (or deletes them when they expire automatically – more in the article).

  • 29. 1. Administrators have been added to the accompanying email templates (Create Account, New Invoice, Add New Website.
  • 18 Jan. Individual rules were added to the Bonus Rules List, along with icons (and hints) about the rule being used.
  • 13. 1. Simplified display of stats on the dashboard when listing only 1 campaign on a mobile device.
  • 5. 1. Added the ability to add a new user with their own affiliate ID via the API.


  • December 16th Highlighted Extraordinary/Premium Rewards listing in the conversion listing for greater clarity.
  • 15 Dec. Added ability to register partners with foreign TIN/VAT.
  • 12/12 Added protection that checks for the existence of registered email between partners – applies when a user account is manually created by an admin.
  • 8. 12. Added protection that prevents a user/administrator from being deleted if they are listed as an active advertiser on a campaign instance.
  • 7. 12. Extended support for atypically long zip codes when registering new partners.
  • 6. 12. Added the ability to add hand conversions in currencies other than base currencies.
  • 4. 12. Added email template for partner approval when setting up Manual Registration Approval (called New Registration)
  • 3. 12. Added option to limit counting multiple clicks by 1 visitor – useful for CPC campaigns.
  • 25. 11. Completed development of the so-called global trackable coupons.
  • 3. 11. Prepared a completely new linking plugin/module for e-shops on Prestashop.
  • October 29 Launched a new version of Affiliate Catalog to showcase our clients’ campaigns to attract more partners.
  • October 20 Added support for an optional “Master Domain” option, which determines which domain is taken as the master domain for reports for instances with multiple campaigns, …
  • Oct 19 Launched weekly/monthly email reports for partners, advertisers and admins of each partner program.
  • 10/5 Added support to API for listing campaign clicks for statistical purposes.
  • September 24 Created a new report type that lists all partners that did not bring any click-throughs and conversions according to a specified time period.
  • 21 Sep. Added new filtering in User List by non-/confirmed partners.
  • September 17 Added support for listing single and multiple conversions by coupon used to the API.
  • 3. 9. Added versioning of aff. manager photo and logo in instance administration for faster change.
  • 27 Aug. Completed the new Shoptet plugin – directly linking e-shops with AffilBox and using antiblock tracking / conversion codes, provisions by category, coupons and all our functionalities.
  • 26 Aug. Fixed support for longer headlines on individual ad campaigns.
  • 15 Aug. Prepared new API server – for faster response, stability and new REST API development.
  • 19. 7. Simplified new campaign creation by moving sub-affiliate commission settings to a later setting.
  • July 14 Increased accuracy and reduced technology burden of Registered Sites.
  • July 13 Smartemailing connection updated to V3 API.
  • 7/8 Exception to apply rules from Bonuses for deactivated campaigns.
  • 1. 7. Added new versions of error messages across all instances.
  • June 30. New version of minified tracking and conversion code that is highly resistant to adblock and cross-browser protections.
  • June 26 Simplified the creation of new ad campaigns by removing the ad element headline – it is generated automatically.
  • June 18 Added feature to Bonuses to globally auto-rule across all campaigns within 1 instance.
  • 17. 6. Added No Condition option to automatic rules within Bonuses.
  • June 16 Affected Bonuses option for positive and negative affiliate commission adjustments.
  • 6/15 Enhanced Bonuses functionality to work more comprehensively with traceable coupons.
  • 20. 5. Extended the ability to change the language of the app from the registration/login page.
  • 19. 5. Added feature that downloads a photo from Gravatar if the affiliate manager does not have it uploaded.
  • 1. 5. Added the ability to write an additional note to an affiliate conversion at the time of its creation.
  • 27. 4. Split the help in the administration sidebar between affiliate and advertiser accounts.
  • April 16 Added Campaign ID entry to API for conversion listing.
  • 10. 4. Extended the visibility settings for coupons in partner reports.
  • 8. 4. Added the ability to set tenths of % in affiliate commission rewards.
  • 8. 4. Added the ability to manually edit turnover for conversions.
  • 6. 4. Assigning a coupon to an affiliate and crediting the affiliate with an order when it is used in an order (cross-device tracking)
  • 6. 4. Tracking coupons that have been used in an order brought in by an affiliate partner.
  • 10. 3. Added a total undecided conversions tab to the header on the main administration page.
  • 3. 3. Option to set a preferred domain, which will always be taken as the main one in tracking.
  • 20. 2. Added option to always have 1 custom domain for 1 campaign due to first-party cookies.
  • Feb. 17 Migration of the entire SAAS application to servers.
  • 14. 1. Ability to filter statistics over the entire period (advertisers since program inception, partners since registration).
  • 13. 1. Added sum of turnover, commissions and number of orders to reports.
  • 11. 1. Ability to edit HTML in all text fields (message board, campaign, CMS, …).
  • 9. 1. Highlighted affiliate manager/administrator contacts on the license login page.




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