Promotional channel

Datum přidání29. 04. 2014
AutorKateřina Střelcová

You can use the channel report value directly in the app to see which source is driving the most conversions to your Affilbox.

This will give you an overview of which of the channels you used performed best and which channels produced the most conversions. You will find out whether the conversions came from, for example, advertising on Google or Facebook, or whether sending an email to your database brought more conversions.

What the Channel Overview is for

With this report, you can see which channels are paying off, where you are making money and where you can invest more to boost your sales.

affilbox - channels

In the image you can see an example where a promotional channel is used to determine if it is a conversion from a Facebook ad, from a catalog or from a newsletter.

You can find this chart and table in your license in the left menu – StatisticsChannel Report.

How to set up the use of such a channel?

It’s really simple. You just need to insert another part of the code after the given address and affiliate code, just specifying the channel.

The resulting link can then look like this:ód&a_cha=YourChannelName

Complemented it might look like this:

You can name a given channel however you like, so that it serves you well for sorting out individual conversions. The channel name will then appear in the CHANNEL column of the conversion report under the name you assigned to the channel in the link itself.


You will now also see the name of your (affiliate) site from which the buying visitor came in the channel column – unless you use the a_cha parameter.

If you have any questions about this setup, feel free to contact our support,, we look forward to hearing from you!

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